Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Halftone Images for Pad Printing

The image to the left represents how the human eye would see the gradient on the right, in tone, from a sufficient distance.

"Halftone is the reprographic technique that simulates continuous tone imagery through the use of dots, varying either in size or in spacing.[1] 'Halftone' can also be used to refer specifically to the image that is produced by this process.[1]"

[1]^ a b c Campbell, Alastair. The Designer's Lexicon. ©2000 Chronicle, San Francisco.

Tone usage in 'Pad Printing' process;

Pad printed images using tone can be very effective. 4 colour process images can be achieved through tone. The resolution on jobs that have a small printing position can be low.
Larger size print areas will obviously be more effective due to the fact that there is more area for the dots to fill.

Gradients that involve two colours, rather than one shade, get printed as duo tones which involves both colours involved being separated and produces as individual spot colour halftones.

For any advice on complex tone imagery please feel free to contact me for how we can help you at:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Corporate Identity

What is Corporate Identity?

The web gives us this definition

"In marketing, a corporate identity is the "persona" of a corporation which is designed to accord with and facilitate the attainment of business objectives. It is usually visibly manifested by way of branding and the use of trademarks.[1]
Corporate identity comes into being when there is a common ownership of an organisational philosophy that is manifest in a distinct corporate culture — the corporate personality. At its most profound, the public feel that they have ownership of the philosophy.[2]
In general, this amounts to a corporate title, logo (logotype and/or logogram), and supporting devices commonly assembled within a set of guidelines. These guidelines govern how the identity is applied and confirm approved colour palettes, typefaces, page layouts and other such methods of maintaining visual continuity and brand recognition across all physical manifestations of the brand. These guidelines are usually formulated into a packadge of tools called Corporate Identity Manuals."

(Quote From

As the image I added above illustrates. Corporate Identity plays a huge part in our lives. Some with more prominence than others but they will always leave a lasting impression.
One good example is, 'when you driving along reading the speed limit on the street signs, are you focusing on the design or what it says?'

These logos are much the same. Direct to the audience without having to confuse us or make us work to realize what we are wanting from the image.

It is a manifestation of creativity which enables customers to recognize with the company immediately what they do and what it is they're about.

Now im not going to go on dribbling about the design aspects of logo's, where the ideas have to come from and things about Corporate Identity Manuals.

The main reason for posting this is to recognize that artwork in general in the reproductive industry we work in, has and will always have significant importance.

Without the customers logo how would we be able to decorate the product?

Just something to consider when handling artwork. Do remember that this piece has come from somewhere at some time. Someone has put many hours into creating it to ensure that it is as good as it can be, and it might have even cost a pretty penny.

Photo By Artist -Basistka Vectored By - George
Welcome to Promotional Product Services.

Here at our new blog we would like to engage all printers, promotional companies, industrial designers/products, with technical difficulties, printing issues, graphic art queries and anything that is remotely relevant to Pad Printing, Screen Printing, Embossing and any other varieties of printing possible.

We understand at times it can be hard finding the information you need for the job that you have, because the area is very grey. Thats why we have started this blog. To try to get an online community happening in order to resolve issues, and just to marvel at the fact we can do this online, without having to travel Km's to talk 1 on 1.

There have been many new online applications pop up, but I have opted into using Blogger as my host for the blog.

Thanks for reading our first blog entry.

Keep your eyes peeled as we keep you updated, and as you keep us updated

Hope to hear from you guys soon.
